Youth Power Hacks

Youth Power Hacks

In 2021, the Youth Power Panel teamed up with Restless Development, Project Everyone, Unilever and thousands of young people to deliver the hacks.

We started with six online hackathons held in six countries over three months, bringing together hundreds of young people to hack solutions to help get the Global Goals delivered. However, the six hacks were just the beginning; and participants moved on to further grow their ideas that were generated.

Read the full article here.

Why #YouthPower?

The young people who took part in the Youth Power Hacks came from different countries, backgrounds and experiences. Although four teams have been chosen for funding, many of the other teams formed through the hacks are still working on their ideas, and many have accessed funding of their own. #YouthPower is this innovation and determination of young people in practice, using their expertise and energy to make the Global Goals a reality.

Read the full article here.

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