Street2school prides herself in providing unconventional education laced with extra curricular activities which will enable our children compete with the rest of the world. Street2School Solution is based on two pillars. This makes our solution inventive and feasible to generate change.
Our Construction Pillar
Street2school is founded with the aim of building mobile learning space with are made out of containers and school buses. These mobile schools will go from one community to another in different states of the country bringing free and flexible education to underprivileged children at their own convenience. All donations for the construction pillar will go into constructing and furnishing our mobile schools.
Our Learning Pillar
In addition to the government approved school curriculum, we inculcated into our system subjects like Personal hygiene management, coding and robotics, human rights and general ethics. Donations towards the learning pillar goes into the payment of our educators and trainers, providing daily lunch packs for the school children, logistics, teaching materials and the general administration of Street2school.