Pilot community

Zamani Abuja

We have piloted the Learning pillar in our first community. Due to limited funds, we began only the learning pillar in Zamani and we are currently advancing the learning pillar into another nearby community.

Why Zamani?

Zamani residents live a life of poverty and frustration. Their main source of livelihood is farming, this made it difficult for them to afford school fees. Due to these, children from this community have found it difficult to access education, talk more of quality education. Girls are particularly affected by early marriages as opposed to be sent to school.

Zamani has not been a beneficiary of any tangible project such as a school, health care facility, water supply, police post, road, and other infrastructure despite its strategic location along the expressway to the Abuja airport.

  • Zamani community has only one primary school which was built recently and can only accommodate primary 1 to 4 with no sufficient teachers and facilities to teach a quality education.

  • Majority of the parents cannot afford the fee for primary school (based on community testing survey results and interviews with parents and community leaders, also surveys from the children).

  • About 70% of the children are either not going to school or they are out of school, most especially the girl child.

  • The nearby community with a school is roughly 40 kilometers away, the children will have to crossover and their parents cannot afford the school fees required.

  • The community head, parents and children are glad about the street2school project and are ready to play their role for the success of the project.


Currently, we are teaching 80 Children in our first community. With more than half of them are girls

We have created a solid partnership with a teacher training organization in Jamaica. They help us continuously train our educators to administer quality education to the children.

Our most recent collaboration is with a project called the Da Cawna Library, they convert old refrigerators into libraries for communities across the world. Partnering with them helps us to provide the communities we are with a stationary resource hub aside from the mobile school.
